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How to Protect Pets from Wildfire Smoke | Hastings Veterinary Hospital

How to Protect Pets from Wildfire Smoke

Not only is there a heat wave going on in British Columbia, but also we are experiencing extremely smoky days due to the hundreds of forest fires that are happening in BC right now. The severe drop in air quality has made it dangerous for both ourselves as well as our beloved pets to walk around outside for very long.

Because of this combination of hot weather and smoke from the wildfires, extra precautions are needed to keep ourselves and our pets safe. Here are some pet health care tips to consider while we wait for the wildfire smoke to clear:

  1. Dogs that cough or wheeze occasionally may be affected by chronic bronchitis (typically older dogs), collapsing trachea (typically small breed dogs) or environmental allergies. Such pets are more likely to have worsening of symptoms due to the smoke.
  2. Cats on treatment for chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma– keep indoors and monitor for respiratory symptoms closely such as panting, labored breathing, coughing, etc.
  3. For dogs that are not used to strenuous exercise outdoors – wait till smoke clears before starting any exercise or training program.
  4. For flat nosed dog breeds such as English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Pugs, the high temperatures make them prone to respiratory difficulty due to hot weather. Keep indoors and keep cool as much as possible.

Let’s all hope that the smoke clears away soon and that we can all take a nice long walk outside with our pets again!

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Hastings Veterinary Hospital and a clickable link back to this page.


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