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Cat family. Mom cat, daddy cat and baby on the grass

Why Don’t Some Pet Cats Get the Vet Care They Need?

Some pet cats don’t get the vet care they need because their owners don’t take them to the veterinarian regularly.

These owners simply don’t realize their little pets require regular checkups and the protection of vaccines administered by a vet to keep them in optimum health.

Even though cats are very popular animals as pets, they don’t always receive this essential care.

Not All Owners Understand That Cats Need Checkups and Vaccines

There are two main reasons that cat owners don’t understand why the care of a vet is essential to their pet’s happiness and well being. They think:

  1. Cats Can Take Care of Themselves – Many people genuinely believe the myth that “cats can take care of themselves.” This is an old belief that has been fostered by the independent nature of kittens and adult cats, which is quite unlike the nature of puppies and dogs.
  • Pet dogs tend to follow their owners around, greet them enthusiastically when they arrive home, and love to play. Cats often ignore their owners and don’t necessarily greet them or follow them around.
  • Kittens are litter trained very easily and don’t seem to care if they are taken for walks, unlike dogs.
  • Although dogs must be groomed and bathed, cats look after their own cleanliness and groom themselves.
  1. My Cat Is Fine and Isn’t Suffering – Cats usually appear content and many cat owners don’t understand the lengths to which cats will go to hide pain and discomfort.

These little animals instinctively hide any weakness, pain, or lack of strength, which could attract attention from predators in the wilds. Unfortunately, they will also hide problems from their owners who may not understand for a long time that their little feline friend is sick or hurt and is suffering needlessly.

Owners must watch their little pets for signs of illness or injury—such as hiding, refusing to eat, or scratching or hissing when touched—as well as see that regular checkups by a veterinarian are scheduled.

Take Your Cat for Regular Visits to the Vet

  1. Kittens – Take new kittens to visit the vet once a month for the first four months so they can receive their vaccinations and be protected from common and potentially dangerous feline illnesses.

They can also be treated for any problems that may appear early in life. Around six months, or so, kittens should be neutered or spayed as part of their health care, and should be taken for another checkup when they are a year old.

  1. Adult Cats – Every six months or once a year, at least, cats should be taken to the vet for checkups even though they appear healthy. If any problems surface, treatment can begin right away.
  1. Senior Cats – Cats are considered senior when they reach seven to ten years old. As they age, cats can suffer from the problems of elderly cats such as obesity, or adverse kidney or liver conditions, and it is important to have veterinarian checkups twice a year to note and treat or monitor the problems.

As well as taking your cat to the vet if he exhibits behavior suggesting an illness or an injury, be sure and schedule regular visits in case there are problems that he has successfully concealed from you, his loving owner.

So, now you know why some pet cats don’t get the veterinarian care they need and why it is important that they receive it.

Even though your cat appears to be self-sufficient and content, it is the regular checkups by a veterinarian and the protection of vaccines that will enable your little pet to live the long, happy, and healthy life that you want for him.

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Hastings Veterinary Hospital and a clickable link back to this page.

Image credit: GraphicStock


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